I've made a few videos on this topic in the past, but are fake flash storage scams still around in 2023. Yes. Yes they are, and it's worse than ever. Join the Atomic Shrimp official Discord server for FREE early access to videos! - https://discord.gg/atomicshrimp Atomic Shrimp subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/AtomicShrimp/ Links to some resources on fake flash storage: Burnintest: https://www.passmark.com/support/bit_fake_USB_detection.php FakeFlashTest: https://rmprepusb.com/tutorials/007-all-about-fake-sd-cards-and-usb-flash-drives/ RMPrepUSB:https://rmprepusb.com/ H2TestW (site is in German, but Google Translate works on it): https://www.heise.de/download/product/h2testw-50539 F3: https://fight-flash-fraud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 00:27 Device for testing 01:28 (Fake) reviews 02:53 Unboxing 03:52 Testing 06:28 Results & analysis 07:09 How does the scam work? 09:08 Refund 09:43 Amazon's Response 11:59 Tips 13:26 TEST your flash storage